3. Levers of Influence: Projecting Power in Asia and Abroad

For our third and penultimate publication of this year, Asiatic Affairs writers have dissected the influence of imagery, whether physical or abstract, on social and political life. We invite readers to consider the relationship between image and audience, whether that be motifs of Japanese colonisation still present in Taiwanese society, the projection of Malaysian cuisine as a diplomatic tool, or the non-verbal resistance of Afghan women through revolutionary art. In Levers of Influence: Projecting Power, writers take the representations in front of us and scrutinise their origins and impact, further diving into the existence of North Korea as we perceive it, an analysis of East Asian beauty standards, and the business practices underlying the K-Pop industry. We welcome you to examine all of these topics and more, accessible below!

Read the Asiatic Affairs Journal #1

An anthology of our team’s favourite works from the 2023-2024 academic year.