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Pandora Papers Unlocked: A Breakdown of the Damning Financial Corruption Leaks
Why are the Pandora Papers significant, and who are implicated? Omar Khan reviews the Pandora Papers and those named in them.

The Flee from National Security Law: 12 Hong Kong Youths, Activists and BN(O) Families
'On 23 August 2020, 12 Hong Kongers aged 16 to 30, who were heading to Taiwan on a speedboat to seek asylum, were intercepted by Chinese coastguards and remain detained in Shenzhen without access to their family and lawyers of their choice till today' reports Aiden Chan in this #news article. From contextualization of the current #save12 movement to updates on the UK's BN(O) visa scheme, this article sheds light on recent events in Hong Kong following the passing of the National Security Law back in July.

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Autonomy at its End
In an unprecedented act of direct legislation, China’s National People’s Congress is currently in the process of drafting a national security law specific to Hong Kong.’ This article aims to contextualise the law’s implementation as well as briefly outline its potential implications. The article offers clarity over Hong Kong’s mini-constitution, the Basic Law, as well as its framework of ‘One Country, Two Systems.’

#YellowEconomicCircle #黃色經濟圈
‘Economic circles’ are far from novel. However, the discourse generated as a result of its proliferation within Hong Kong’s socio-political climate proffers a prime opportunity to not only analyse the city’s socio-economic climate but also contextualise the waves of anti-government sentiment felt in the past year.

The ‘Hong Kong Crisis’: The Key Players and Figures
Our third and final ‘Key Aspects’ article will debunk some of the key players involved in the ongoing political crisis in Hong Kong. ‘Hong Kong Crisis: The Key Players and Figures’, will cover the actors backgrounds as well as respective roles and actions in the political upheaval.

Co-authoring the space: demonstrators’ creative expression and other associated features
All movements are marked by distinct cultures, many of whom possess their own identification. Whether it be the giant pink octopus seen at the London Extinction Rebellion protests in October 2019 or the Trump baby balloon Major of London Sadiq Khan permissioned to fly amidst London’s Trump protest in June 2019; icons, symbols and slogans all form part of the movement’s own identity

The ‘Onset of the Storm’: Key Dates and Events of the Early Stages of Hong Kong’s Political Unrest
From government-sanctioned demonstrations to government institution sieges and mass assemblies, this article summarises the events that happened during the initial period as well as shedding light into the movement’s progression and escalation.

Understanding Social Media Discourses: What is the #MilkTeaAlliance?
Living in an era of big data informatics, where social media has become yet another extension of our personal agency, ‘internet trolling’ and ‘social media warfare’ has become a regular occurrence in our digital lives.

‘Once Upon A Virus’

The Five-Eyes Intelligence Dossier: A Brief Overview
Report from the Daily Telegraph Australia, 4th May, revealed that a 15-page document had recently been obtained by the Saturday Telegraph which laid the foundations of the argument for China’s involvement in the coronavirus pandemic. Illustrated by a loose grouping of 5 themes, the alleged ‘dossier’, issued by the Five-Eyes network, listed out various accusations against China’s management of the crisis and further insinuated that China was ‘not acting like a responsible international citizen.’