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NOA Episode 10: Pandemic Public Health Policies and State Governance: Blurred Grounds Between Authoritarian Regimes and Liberal Democracies
Exploring China’s diplomatic motivations, Taiwanese hacktivism culture and efficient government-led pandemic responses, this episode proffers a teaser for their recently published policy paper and offers introductory insight into the relationship between ideology, the state, and technology. Our affiliated research team from Bentham Brooks Institute discusses the deployment of digital surveillance models in India, the exportation of Chinese surveillance strategies abroad and further highlights their potential repercussions for a post-pandemic society.

‘An Insider’s Perspective’: Immigrants in Malaysia
Initially, I was rather proud of my country’s response to this pandemic...However, this show of solidarity in handling a crisis could not be more starkly contrasted to Malaysia’s treatment of immigrants and refugees.

Refugees and Migrant Workers in Asia – the forgotten victims of Covid-19?
From migrant workers in India, Rohingya refugees and their deportation from Malaysian shores, to the apparent systematic indifference and discrimination in Singapore’s handling of covid-19 amongst its migrant worker community. ‘Covid-19 has not only caused a global public health crisis, but also a humanitarian emergency.’

‘Mask Diplomacy’: China’s newest attempt at global domination?
China’s ulterior motives disguised as ‘offerings’ of medical resources and protective equipment only to be forcibly recalled due to manufacturing faults and errors.

The ‘Coronavirus Conspiracy Dimension’
Out of the 2,023 Americans that participated in the Atlantic’s poll on these theories, 29% believe that the threat of the virus was being exaggerated to hurt President Trump’s chances at re-election and 31% believe that the virus was created and spread on purpose. Whilst considerably high, the survey results indicate that formation of what is known as a ‘natural ceiling in conspiracy beliefs’.

The Five-Eyes Intelligence Dossier: ‘Groundless Accusations’ or Battle of the Narrative?
Amidst calls for ‘transparency and accountability’, fears mount within the country over its own national security and global biosecurity as Prime Minister Scott Morrison glosses over the nature of the country’s own involvement in bat research as part of a partnership research project conducted between Australia’s Animal Health Laboratory at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

The Five-Eyes Intelligence Dossier: A Brief Overview
Report from the Daily Telegraph Australia, 4th May, revealed that a 15-page document had recently been obtained by the Saturday Telegraph which laid the foundations of the argument for China’s involvement in the coronavirus pandemic. Illustrated by a loose grouping of 5 themes, the alleged ‘dossier’, issued by the Five-Eyes network, listed out various accusations against China’s management of the crisis and further insinuated that China was ‘not acting like a responsible international citizen.’

#TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping
Understanding the global call for Taiwan’s membership to the WHO and recognition for their offering of support and solidarity in the global coronavirus pandemic.
Panic-shoppers and widespread fear: effect of Covid-19 on the economy and public sentiment in HK
The UK is not the only panic shopper in this pandemic. When commenting on the panic buying in Hong Kong, one of the places where COVID-19 first hit, a Bloomberg article described the financial hub as showing symptoms of a ‘failed state’.

Coronavirus: Here's What We Know So Far
Since its outbreak in December 2019, the Novel Coronavirus has infected 37 558 people globally, causing 813 deaths in total as of 10 February 2020. Whilst the epidemic has been primarily confined to the Asia region, the degree of spread and increasing number of identified cases in regions outside of China has deemed its declaration as a global health emergency by the World Health Organisation as a necessity.