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NOA Episode 2.2 A Deep Dive into the Socio-Economic Impacts of Coronavirus
Narratives of Asia Guest User Narratives of Asia Guest User

NOA Episode 2.2 A Deep Dive into the Socio-Economic Impacts of Coronavirus

Our topic for this two-part podcast is a snapshot of the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in East Asia, the South East Asia region, South Asia and the Middle East. In this episode, we will be looking at the Middle East instead and some of the areas we will be focusing on including the diplomatic developments between countries in the region with the US over trade and exports, the fall of oil prices in the Gulf Cooperation Council region (or GCC for short), Palestinian and Israelian cooperation in their efforts to contain the coronavirus, and also looking closer at regions like Yemen, riddled with years of intrastate wars and refugee crises, and how they are coping under the pressures of the pandemic.

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NOA Episode 2.1 A Deep Dive into the Socio-Economic Impacts of Coronavirus
Narratives of Asia Guest User Narratives of Asia Guest User

NOA Episode 2.1 A Deep Dive into the Socio-Economic Impacts of Coronavirus

Our topic for this two-part podcast is a snapshot of the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in East Asia, the South East Asia region, South Asia and the Middle East. In this episode, we will be touching bases with issues like China’s global economic integration, impacts on the worst-hit sectors like that of travel and tourism, and finally, dispel the myth behind the uncannily low numbers of cases detected in South Asia.

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Coronavirus: Here's What We Know So Far
News, Public Health Aiden Chan News, Public Health Aiden Chan

Coronavirus: Here's What We Know So Far

Since its outbreak in December 2019, the Novel Coronavirus has infected 37 558 people globally, causing 813 deaths in total as of 10 February 2020. Whilst the epidemic has been primarily confined to the Asia region, the degree of spread and increasing number of identified cases in regions outside of China has deemed its declaration as a global health emergency by the World Health Organisation as a necessity.

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